Thursday, March 29, 2012

Like sands through the hourglass...

So much has been going on here lately. Between my hubby working 70 hours/week, my job, homeschooling the kids and their activities, there hasn't been a whole lot of down time. It's temporary, though. And I'm not complaining--the overtime dollars are awesome. And busy means job security, right?

It was my 36th birthday last week. A few weeks ago, I decided I really needed a night out with my peeps. I know a lot of my peeps needed a night out, too, so I decided to just plan one and use my birthday as an excuse.

The week before, I was struggling with some irrational feelings of being unlikable. It ebbs and flows. 21 people came to the restaurant and even more came to karaoke afterwards. OMG! It was almost overwhelming to me. I was so incredibly happy and had the most amazing night while at the same time, I fought back the urge to apologize to all my friends for having to be there (because in my irrational little world, why would they choose to be there? I'm sure they all have better things to do with their Friday night... ).'ll ebb again soon, I'm sure. I definitely felt the love that night, anyway.

In the past month, my oldest child has experienced a few "firsts". He had his first date, his first official girlfriend, his first (many, many times lol) kiss...and his first heartbreak. While I'm sad for him, I am also very relieved because it clearly wasn't a match made in heaven. I think deep down he knows this, I knew it all along and she finally realized it, hence the breakup. The odds were against them from the beginning--the girl is 18. My son is 16. I usually have no issues with age but they are in very, very different places in their lives. They also live an hour away from us. She is in school, he's homeschooled. She's Mormon (and quite opinionated about things dealing with religion and politics in regards to religion) and we lean kind of liberal. That and I can't really see many things they have in common with each other.

I'm very happy for him that he got to experience the feeling of love and everything that goes along with it. I wish he could experience that without the heartbreak, but that's not possible. He is truly a wonderful human being...I reminded him that the right girl will eventually come along and she will be so blessed to have him. And I mean that, not just because I am his mom.

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